
Tuesday 19 September 2017

Survivor Island Day

Novel Study
Monday September the 18th room 4 and some of  room 3 did a survival day. First thing in the morning we brought all our stuff in but we were only allowed to have 10 things between everyone in our team and we had 5 people in our team so we brought two things each but in the morning we got to collect points by doing maths and Ixl then we traded in the points for anything that we didn't have but we needed. When we got all the stuff we needed we set out and picked a small square for our team that have already marked out for us, then we started to build our fire which we had to keep going the whole time so we could cook our lunch. Then we had to make a TP that fit all of our team in it and kept us warm and dry and then at the end Miss Spittle tipped a bucket of water of our TP while we were in it to see if it worked. After that we had to make a stretcher for the injured person because we had to fall out of a plane to get on the island and one of our team mates had to get injured, then after we made the stretcher we had to carry the injured person to the fence and back. In my team we had Emma, Carey, Thomas, Caitlin and I.
I learnt how to make a decent stretcher with just a sheet and some sticks. We cooked on our fire; marshmallows, chocolate fingers, chicken balls, bacon and sausages. I enjoyed making the fire and keeping it going the whole time.

Thursday 14 September 2017

Novel Study Week 7 and 8

Novel Study 
This week we had another novel study to complete, my book that I picked was Just Jack and it was about a boy called Jack who went to live in Hastings and work as an apprentice for race horses. We only had 1 week to do this and there was a certain amount of points we had to get it was 80 to get at or 100 to get above. I went for 80 points.

Friday 1 September 2017

Novel Study T3 W6

Novel Study 
This week we had another novel study to complete, my book that I picked was within these walls and it was about a little girl and her family that live in Warsaw and have to deal with the Nazis pushing them around and making them obey by they're rules. We only had 1 week to do this and there was a certain amount of points we had to get it was 80 to get at or 100 to get above. I went for 80 points. 

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Novel Study Memoir Poem

Today we were working on our second memoir poem for our novel study. Our success criteria was to be really descriptive and make sure that our adjectives and nouns were more than one syllable. To plan this we had to use an ANV (Adjective, Noun, Verb) chart. 

Memoir Poem
The concentration camp was rough enough.
The smoke smelt horrendous, the fence was towering and the food here was basically crumbs.
The powerful creek was streaming and the rusty dirt was crumbling.
The barbed fence was soaring above us.
Weakening jews were stumbling and cruel Nazis were beating the innocent.
Cold-blooded soldiers were gassing.
Weak. Depressed. Scared

Scared for my life.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Novel Study Memoir Poem

Today the class was working on writing a poem on our novel study, I had to do it on my book ´The Boy In Striped Pajamas.´ We did most of the sentences with an ANV (Adjective,Noun,Verb) chart. We had to put a picture in the readers mind of what was actually happening. We had to describe the scene and the situation. 

Memoir Poem 

The new house was significant enough, it had dull concrete walls, a tedious oak tree and a tiny yard.
Hopeless case Gretel was wondering up and down the halls.
The tiresome trees were swaying and there were weak jews wandering in the camp.
There were scary soldiers marching all around the house and dreadful Hitler was gassing. Brainwashed Nazis were banishing the innocent.
Scared. Confused. Worried.
Terrified for my life.

Monday 31 July 2017

Novel Study 100 Word Challenge #2

This week I was working on my second 100 Word challenge for the next 3 chapters on my novel study. Something I was working on was creating a picture in the readers mind and keeping it to only 100 words.

100 Word Challenge
Chapters 4-6

It was the second day at our new home and I was arranging my dolls on my shelves all around the room when Bruno rushed through the door yelling my name. ¨Do you ever knock? Bruno!¨ I yelled in frustration. ¨You have to come see this Gretel!¨ I followed him down the hallway where he was walking slowly down to the small narrow window inside his room. I took a look outside the window but all I saw was trees then in the distance where Bruno was pointing to was a little farm and there were lots of people were running around but they were all boys and there were no girls at all.    

Thursday 27 July 2017

Novel Study 100 Word Challenge

This week we started our novel study and the first thing we had to do was write a 100 Word Challenge for the first 3 chapters of our book. My book that I´m reading is ´The Boy In Striped Pajamas.´

100 Word Challenge
Chapters 1-3

The year was 1943 and I had just arrived back from school Maria was in my room snatching all my things from my wardrobe and shoving them into a huge suitcase. I was really confused, why was she packing up my room? Are we going somewhere? I didn't know what to do.  Mother said we're moving. Then the next day we loaded all of our things into a big truck and we followed it to our new place. It was smaller than our home back in Berlin and it was really boring it didn't have anything special about it, it was just concrete.